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Научный журнал Байкальского государственного университета
Всероссийский криминологический журнал / Russian journal of criminology
ISSN 2500-1442 (Online)
Издается с 2007 года

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Название статьи:

Проблемы международного уголовного права в зарубежных диссертационных исследованиях

Кибальник А.Г., заведующий кафедрой уголовного права и процесса Северо-Кавказского федерального университета, доктор юридических наук, профессор, Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет, г. Ставрополь, Российская Федерация, 13kln@mail.ru
В рубрике:
Год: 2014 Номер журнала: 2
Страницы: 162-176
Тип статьи: Научная статья
УДК: 341.9; 343.9.018.3 ВВК: 67.515
Статья посвящена анализу основных направлений развития доктрины международного уголовного права в зарубежных диссертационных исследованиях последних 20 лет. Автор отмечает возрастание интереса к указанной проблематике во всем мире в связи с учреждением международных трибуналов ad hoc, принятием Римского Статута и деятельностью Международного уголовного суда. В статье рассмотрены общие положения диссертаций, защищенных в 1994-2013 гг. в университетах Австралии, Великобритании, Венгрии, Германии, Индии, Канады, Нидерландов, США, Финляндии, Чехии, ЮАР и других стран. Ключевыми вопросами, изученными в зарубежных диссертациях, стали: 1) значение «Нюрнбергского наследия» для современности; 2) общие проблемы развития и юрисдикции международного уголовного права; 3) деятельность Международного уголовного суда и значение Римского Статута для международной и национальной уголовной юстиции; 4) юрисдикция современных международных трибуналов ad hoc и значение их решений; 5) преступления против человечности и военные преступления; 6) международный терроризм.
Ключевые слова: преступления против общественной безопасности, международное уголовное право, зарубежная доктрина, Римский Статут Международного уголовного суда, Международный уголовный суд, Международный трибунал ad hoc, преступления против человечества, международный терроризм
Список цитируемой литературы:
  • Adalberg M.A. Races at War: Nationalism and Genocide in Twentieth Century Europe : thesis ... degree of M.L. / M.A. Adalberg. - Naval Postgraduate School, California, 2005.
  • Ahnefeld J.V. The International Fight against Modern-Day Piracy - Are the Legal Regulations Enough? : thesis ... degree of M.L. / J.V. Ahnefeld. - University of Tromso, 2011.
  • Alemayhu F. Prosecution of Crimes against Humanity and Genocide in Africa: A Comparative Analysis : thesis ... degree of LL.M. / F. Alemayhu. - Addis Ababa University, 2010.
  • Ansah T.B. Redeeming Darkness: Stories of Genocide : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / T.B. Ansah. - Columbia University, 2002.
  • Bachman J.S. The Genocide Convention and the Politics of Genocide Non-prevention : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / J.S. Bachman. - Northeastern University, 2013.
  • Bain L.M. Money Laundering: Hide and Seek. An Exploration of International Cooperation between Law Enforcement Agencies : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / L.M. Bain. - Simon Fraser University, 2005.
  • Bass G.J. Judging War: The Politics of International War Crimes Tribunals : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / G.J. Bass. - Harvard University, 1999.
  • Benjamin C.J. Tearing Rwanda Apart: An Examination Theories of Inter-Ethnic Conflict and Genocide : thesis ... degree of M.A. / C.J. Benjamin. - Queen's University at Kingston, 2001.
  • Berg B.E. World Criminals and First Principles: The Jurisdiction of an International Criminal Court : thesis ... degree of LL.M. / B.E. Berg. - University of Toronto, 1996.
  • Bischoping K. Papers in Holocaust and Genocide Studies : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / K. Bischoping. - University of Michigan, 1995.
  • Billings G.Q. Extradition: International Trends in Transition : thesis ... degree of M.S. / G.Q. Billings. - Central Missouri State University, 2004.
  • Bock H. A Comparison of Subject-Matter Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Tribunals : thesis ... degree of LL.M. / H. Bock. - McGill University, 2002.
  • Bowers A.A. Duress, Necessity and the Taking of Innocent Life: Special Challenges Facing English, Canadian and International Criminal Law : thesis ... degree of LL.M. / A.A. Bowers. - Queen's University at Kingston, 2004.
  • Brookson-Morris K. «Bringing International Criminal Law Home»: The Normative Contribution of the International Criminal Court Treaty Regime : thesis ... degree of LL.M. / K. Brookson-Morris. - University of Toronto, 2005.
  • Butters M.J. Genocide Prevention through Changing the United Nations Security Council Power of Veto : thesis ... degree of M.A. / M.J. Butters. - University of Waikato, 2010.
  • Calfano B.R. Terror in the Air: Biological Weapons, Terrorism and Asymmetric Threats to United States National Security in the Twenty-First Century : thesis ... degree of M.A. / B.R. Calfano. - Regent University, 2002.
  • Cerimovic E. To Prevent and To Punish: Genocidal Intent : thesis ... degree of LL.M. / E. Cerimovic. - Budapest, 2010.
  • Cockburn K. How to prove a role of Customary International Criminal Law: Re-imaging a Definition of CIL : thesis ... degree of M.L. / K. Cockburn. - University of Cape Town, 2006.
  • Cooley K.K. Nationalism, Ethnic Conflicts and Genocide: A Sociological Analysis of the Factors Contributing to the Armenian Genocide and the Jewish Holocaust : thesis ... degree of M.A. / K.K. Cooley. - University of Nevada, 1997.
  • Donlan B.J. Bipolarity's Breakdown and the Collapse of World Order (United States, Soviet Union, Bosnia) : thesis ... degree of M.A. / B.J. Donlan. - University of Ottawa, 1999.
  • Dovey K. Keeping the Peacekeepers Away the Court: the United States of America, the International Criminal Court and UN Security Council Resolution 1422 : thesis ... degree of LL.M. / K. Dovey. - McGill University, 2002.
  • Earl H.C. Eyewitness to Genocide: Henry Morgenthau and the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey, 1915 : thesis ... degree of M.A. / H.C. Earl. - University of New Brunswick, 1994.
  • Earl H.C. Accidental Justice: The Trial of Otto Ohlendorf and the Einsatzgruppen Leaders in the American Zone of Occupation, Germany, 1945-1958 : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / H.C. Earl. - University of Toronto, 2003.
  • Fouzder A.J. Institutional Response to Crime against Humanity: A Case Study on Bangladesh : thesis ... degree of M.A. / A.J. Fouzder. - University of Gothenburg, 2011.
  • Franey E.H. Immunity, Individuals and International Law : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / E.H. Franey. - Department of Law of the London School of Economics, 2009.
  • Futamura M. Revising the «Nuremberg Legacy»: Societal Transformation and the Strategic Success of International War Crime Tribunals - Lessons from the Tokyo Trial and Japanese Experience : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / M. Futamura. - King's College, London, 2005.
  • Garcia Ruez C.R. Peace through Justice: The International Criminal Jurisdiction : thesis ... degree of M.A. / C.R. Garcia Ruez. - Universidad de Huelva, 2003.
  • Gonzales N. Moral Monsters or Ordinary Men Who Do Monstrous Things? Psychological Dimensions of the Military and Their Implications for War Crimes Tribunal Defenses : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / N. Gonzales. - Widener University, 2005.
  • Haldorson H.M. Genocide: A Philosophical Criticism of Genocide and it is Defined in the United Nations' «Convention on the Prevention and the Punishment of the Crime of Genocide» : thesis ... degree of M.A. / H.M. Haldorson. - Concordia University, 1994.
  • Hersi M.F. The Possibilities of International Prosecution against the Former Somali Military Regime for Human Rights Abuses in Somaliland from 1981 to 1991: Establishing Individual Criminal and Civil Responsibility under International Law : thesis ... degree of LL.M. / M.F. Hersi. - University of Pretoria, 2008.
  • Islami Some'a R. The Needs and Prospects for an International Criminal Court : thesis ... degree of LL.M. / R. Islami Some'a. - McGill University, 1995.
  • Juyal A. Towards a More Effective International Criminal Court: An Examination of the Problems and prospects of its Complementary Jurisdiction : thesis ... degree of LL.M. / A. Juyal. - Dalhousie University, 2002.
  • Karber P.A. Bad Man v. Soft Law: Transnational Terrorism and Global Aviation Security Regime; an Exploration into the Theoretical Contribution of «Speech Acts» in Constructivist Jurisprudence : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / P.A. Karber. - Georgetown University, 2005.
  • Kasrineh H.M. Immunity of Heads of State and its effects on the context of International Criminal Law : thesis ... degree of D.Iu. / H.M. Kasrineh. - Hamburg University, 2012.
  • Khan A.Z. The International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia: An Analysis of the Legal Basis for its Operation : thesis ... degree of LL.M. / A.Z. Khan. - University of Ottawa, 1998.
  • Kifer S.R. Individual responsibility in the Context of Genocide : thesis ... degree of M.A. / S.R. Kifer. - University of Colorado, 2006.
  • Kim Y.S. The International Criminal Court: A Commentary of the Rome Statute : thesis ... degree of J.S.D. / Y.S. Kim. - University of Illinois, 2001.
  • Lambert S. Genocide in Global Context: How World Culture Affects the Likelihood of Genocide : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / S. Lambert. - Arizona State University, 2001.
  • Lancaster P.C. Reason, Necessity and Genocide : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / P.C. Lancaster. - University of Ottawa, 2002.
  • Leonard E.K. International Relations Theory and the International Criminal Court: Understanding Global Justice : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / E.K. Leonard. - University of Delaware, 2002.
  • Maguire P.H. Nuremberg: A Cold War Conflict of Interest : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / P.H. Maguire. - Columbia University, 1995.
  • Minogue N.P. Transnational Organized Crime in the United States : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / N.P. Minogue. - The American University, 2000.
  • Musila G.M. Restorative Justice in International Criminal Law: The Rights of Victims in the International Criminal Court : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / G.M. Musila. - University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2009.
  • Navis M.A.J. Nuremberg Revisited in Burma? An Assessment of the Potential Liability of Transnational Corporations and Their Officials in Burma under International Criminal Law : thesis ... degree of M.L. / M.A.J. Navis. - Victoria University of Wellington, 2010.
  • Ngari A.R. State Cooperation within the Context of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a Critical Reflection : thesis ... degree of M.L. / A.R. Ngari. - Stellenbosch University, 2013.
  • Niemann G.R. Shared Responsibility for the Enforcement of International Criminal Law : thesis ... degree of LL.M. / G.R. Niemann. - Flinders University of Law, 2010.
  • Pal S. Issues and Controversies Surrounding the Use of Plea Bargaining in International Criminal Tribunals : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / S. Pal. - University of Central Lancashire, 2013.
  • Peltonen A. The Role of International Criminal Courts in the Formation of Customary International Law : thesis ... degree of M.L. / A. Peltonen. - University of Helsinki, 2013.
  • Pendas D.O. Displaying Justice: Nazis on Trial in Postwar Germany : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / D.O. Pendas. - University of Chicago, 2001.
  • Peskin V.A. Virtual Trials: International War Crimes Tribunals and the Politics of State Cooperation in the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / V.A. Peskin. - University of California, 2005.
  • Philipose E.M. Prosecuting Violence, Performing Sovereignty: International Relations and the Laws of War : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / E.M. Philipose. - York University, 2000.
  • Quenivet N.N.R. Sexual Offences in Times of Conflict: Claims, Realities and Recommendations : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / N.N.R. Quenivet. - University of Essex, 2004.
  • Rennie R.I.M. The International Criminal Court: A Contextual Study of s Nascent Court within the International Criminal Legal System : thesis ... degree of LL.M. / R.I.M. Rennie. - Dalhousie University, 2003.
  • Riddle J.G. Addressing Crimes against International Law: Rwanda's Gacaca in Practice : thesis ... degree of LL.D. / J.G. Riddle. - University of Aberdeen, 2005.
  • Riley D.J. Post-Conflict Justice: Issues and Approaches : thesis ... degree of M.L. / D.J. Riley. - Naval Postgraduate School, California, 2003.
  • Sarai S.K. The Rape of the Balkan Women: An Argument for the Full Recognition of Wartime Rape as a War Crime : thesis ... degree of M.A. / S.K. Sarai. - Queen's University at Kingston, 2000.
  • Chuetze J.J. To Cause or not to Cause: That is the Question: The Prosecutorial Standard for Incitement at International Criminal Law : thesis ... degree of LL.M. / J.J. Schuetze. - McGill University, 2005.
  • Soliman H. The Establishment of a Permanent International Criminal Court: A Critical Analysis of Opposing Theoretical Views : thesis ... degree of M.A. / H. Soliman. - Carleton University, 2001.
  • Straus S.A. The Order of Genocide: Race, Power, and War in Rwanda : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / S.A. Straus. - University of California, 2004.
  • Struett M.G. The Politics of Constructing the International Criminal Court : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / M.G. Struett. - University of California, 2005.
  • Sydorenko A. Transnational Actors and International Criminal Law: Study of NGOs' influence on formation of International Criminal Court and its jurisdiction : thesis ... degree of M.A. / A. Sydorenko. - Masaryk University, Brno, 2010.
  • Theissen G. Amnesty for Apartheid Crimes? The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission and International Law : Thesis ... degree of L.M. / G. Theissen. - University of Western Cape, 1998.
  • Thurmond A. Terrorism in the Age of Just War Thinking : thesis ... degree of M.A. / A. Thurmond. - Louisiana State University, 2006.
  • Totani Y. The Tokyo War Crimes Trial: Historiography, Misunderstanding, and Revisions (Japan) : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / Y. Totani. - University of California, 2005.
  • Tweedy L.E. A Study of the Duty to Prevent Genocide in the Context of International Law : thesis ... degree of M.J. / L.E. Tweedy. - Durham University, 2007.
  • Yapsan H. International Police Cooperation on Countering Transnational Terrorism : thesis ... degree of M.L. / H. Yapsan. - Naval Postgraduate School, California, 2012.
  • Viau S.J.A.P. Universal Jurisdiction: Incoherent Concept or Foundation for New Legal Order? : thesis ... degree of M.L. / S.J.A.P. Viau. - Queen's University at Kingston, 2003.
  • Verrydt L. The Quest for International Criminal Liability with regard to Corporations : thesis ... degree of M.L. / L. Verrydt. - Ghent University, 2012.
  • Walia I.K. Crimes under International Criminal Law: A Need for Restriction on Exclusion of the Jurisdiction : thesis ... degree of LL.M. / I.K. Walia. - Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, 2011.
  • Williams S.J. Hybrid and Internationalized Criminal Tribunals: Jurisdictional Issues : thesis ... degree of Ph.D. / S.J. Williams. - Durham University, 2009.
  • Wit T. de. An Analysis of the Development of the Definition of Rape in International Criminal Law : thesis ... degree of M.A. / T. de Wit. - University of Tilburg, 2005.
  • Wong C. Criminal Law, Criminal Jurisdiction and Criminal Justice : thesis ... degree of LL.D. / C. Wong. - University of Lund, 2004.
  • Whyte A.C. Placing Blame or Finding Peace: A Qualitative Analysis of the Legal Response to Rape as a War Crime in the Former Yugoslavia : thesis ... degree of M.A. / A.C. Whyte. - University of Manitoba, 2004.